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Recent Teaching 

from Pastor Bobbi Erben can be found on Facebook or YouTube by clicking the icon

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September 6- You are Here

Close to God (4 of 4)

As believers, we strive to be close to God, and stay there.

August 30- You are Here 

Discipleship (3 of 4)

As we draw close to God, the Enemy seeks to keep us away.

This battle is discipleship, find out how to win the battle.

August 23- You are Here

Friendship (2 of 4)

When we give our lives to Jesus, our first call is to develop a friendship with Him. How do we be a friend to Jesus?

August 16, 2020- You are Here-

Fellowship (1 of 4)

God's word defines our relationship with Him, where we are, where we are going, and how to get there.

May 10, 2020. The Holy Spirit is not only a person, but He is "Spirit". How does he speak, how can we hear? This is what God's word has to say.

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May 3, 2020. To receive more from the Holy Spirit, we need to get to know who the Holy Spirit is as a person. He wants to have a relationship with you. 

April 25, 2020. Why is it important to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit? You may want to get ready to take notes with this. 

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